Workout Types – Rich Bodies Gym


Workout Types

Weight Loss

Nutritional counseling analyzing your eating habits and designing a nutrition program to improve health and body composition. Toning to firm and tighten your muscles for an improved look and feel.

Better Life

A program to continue rehabilitation after physical therapy is completed. Nutritional counseling analyzing your eating habits and designing a nutrition program to improve health and body composition. Stretching to improve flexibility and range of motion and reduce risk of injury.

Stronger Body

A program designed for seniors to emphasize flexibility, strength, and stamina. Stretching to improve flexibility and range of motion and reduce risk of injury.

Body Building

New! Exclusive online budybuilding training now available.

Rich will provide training and nutrition counseling including Supplementation for Men and Women. He will divide your program into 2 phases: off-season training and eating/supplementation, and pre-content training and dieting for a successful venture into a bodybuilding contest.

Children’s Training Programs

Rich will help your child develop strength, muscle endurance and flexibility with his unique program for children.

Find out more from this article featured in Washington Post:
Trainers for Kids? We’re Serious. We Think. Posted Tuesday, October 26, 2004